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Take action to fight the repeal of the Affordable Care Act

Take Action to Fight Republicans' Secret Efforts to Slash Medicaid Funding and Repeal the Affordable Care Act We are at a critical juncture in Congress' attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act and...

CREEC, ACLU, and the Montana Dept of Corrections Resolve...

Settlement Requires Major Improvements in Conditions for Prisoners With Disabilities at Montana State Prison  ACLU, CREEC, and the Montana Department of Corrections Resolve Americans with...

DYC’s Punitive Culture is Hurting Colorado Kids, and Making...

For Immediate ReleaseMarch 2, 2017                                    Media Contacts: John Krieger, ACLU of Colorado 303.653.6246 DYC’s Punitive Culture is Hurting Colorado Kids, and Making Kids and...

Letter to U.S. Legislature Regarding Importance of Medicaid...

Disability Law Colorado joined 116 other cosigners in a letter to the U.S. House and U.S. Senate leadership on the importance of the Medicaid expansion funding. Click Here to Read the Full Letter

NDRN’s comments on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid...

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued a request for information (RFI) seeking input on access to timely and quality Medicaid home and community-based services (HCBS) .

Advocacy Groups Sue Red Rocks over Disability Access

Advocacy groups sue Red Rocks over disability access

A Call for Change to the Law Regarding Restraints in Public...

As Colorado’s federally-mandated and state-designated Protection and Advocacy System, Disability Law Colorado (“DLC”) has investigated nearly 100 allegations of abuse and neglect in public schools,...

Materials for Educational Event in Grand Junction on 10/19/...

Voting Rights Powerpoint PresentationVoting Rights Fact Sheet   The Accountable Care Collaborative: Medicare-Medicaid Program

Locked Up and Locked Down: National Report Tackles the...

Between 80,000 and 100,000 inmates are currently segregated in prison cells nationwide for 22-24 hours per day, for days, months, years, and in some cases decades at a time. 
