Disability Law Colorado’s Position Statement on SB 38

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Disability Law Colorado (formerly The Legal Center for People with Disabilities and Older People) is a Colorado nonprofit organization established to protect and promote the legal and human rights of persons with disabilities. It serves as the federally-mandated and state-designated Protection and Advocacy System for Adults with Developmental Disabilities pursuant to 42 U.S.C. §§15001, et seq. Since Disability Law Colorado was founded in 1976, it has represented nearly 20,000 individuals with disabilities and has assisted more than 65,000 individuals with disabilities in advocating for themselves. 

Pursuant to these authorities, Disability Law Colorado has a keen interest and responsibility in ensuring that individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (“I/DD”) are treated fairly, equally and within the bounds of the law – including in regard to services they receive from Community Centered Boards (“CCBs”) that help enable them to lead independent lives.    

As you may know, by statute, the CCB system . . . .

Click Here to Read DLC's Full Position Statement