Protect PAIMI

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Every year, the National Disability Rights Network provides protection and advocacy for over 15,000 individuals through the PAIMI program.

Earlier this year, Representative Tim Murphy (R-PA) introduced H.R. 2646, the Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act. The bill seeks to improve the mental health system in the United States and we agree that there are problems that need to be fixed. But H.R. 2646 attacks one of the most successful programs for helping people with mental illness who are being abused, neglected or experiencing violations of their human and civil rights.

That program is called Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI). It provides children and adults living with psychiatric disabilities with independent advocates. These advocates offer a range of support including legal advice for navigating our complicated mental health system, defense against discrimination in education, employment, and housing, and, most importantly, monitors and investigates instances of abuse and neglect so that people who do seek help are safe.

We cannot let Congress dismantle this greatly needed and highly successful program. Please join our campaign to #ProtectPAIMI.

Find out what kind of impact that has on the lives of individuals like Louise Worrell and Vietress Bacon.

Take Action to Protect PAIMI

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