Seniors' Legal Rights

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Seniors' Legal Rights

The legal issues and health and daily care needs that arise as we get older can be a challenge.

The Legal Assistance Provider Program

Programs to Support Seniors

Disability Law Colorado works to protect and promote the rights of Colorado’s older adults through two programs that aim to improve the quality of life for seniors. Both the Colorado Long-Term Care Ombudsman and Legal Assistance Developer programs have been administered by Disability Law Colorado since 1988.

The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program protects the rights of people living in nursing homes or assisted living residences, to ensure they are treated fairly and their wishes are respected.  New Ombudsman Training - Sources of Law for Long-Term Care Ombudsman.

Ombudsman Program

The Legal Assistance Developer Program helps seniors prepare legal documents, avoid scams and financial exploitation, and receive the benefits they are entitled to.

Legal Assistance Program

Area Agencies on Aging

We work closely with the 16 regional offices that provide aging services in Colorado (Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) to coordinate ombudsman and legal services statewide. Disability Law Colorado staff also serve on numerous state committees and task forces that address the rights and concerns of older adults.

We make recommendations on legislative and regulatory changes to improve the quality of life for seniors. We also provide training to providers throughout the state who work on behalf of seniors.

Success Stories

Preserving an Elder's Freedom

The Denver Ombudsman Program was contacted by facility staff concerned that a resident in a secure memory care unit was being coerced by his wife to sign...

Multiple Interventions for an Elderly Resident

Ms. Calabash first came to Disability Law Colorado over two years ago, with a complaint that she was not being adequately accommodated in her housing needs...

Related Resources

25th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act

On July 26, disability and aging advocates will celebrate the 25th anniversary of President George H.W. Bush signing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) into law.

Mandatory Reporting of Elder Abuse

If you are a mandatory reporter and you witness or become aware that an at-risk elder has been or is at imminent risk for mistreatment (abuse, caretaker neglect, or exploitation), by law you must make a report to law enforcement within 24 hours. 

Elder Law in Colorado - Residents' Rights

The landscape of long-term care facilities has changed a great deal in recent years.

Elder Abuse Fact Sheet

Elder abuse refers to intentional or neglectful acts by a caregiver or “trusted” individual that lead to, or may lead to, harm of a vulnerable elder.

Elder Justice Roadmap

Elder Abuse – which includes physical, sexual and psychological abuse, as well as neglect and financial exploitation in any setting – affects more than five million Americans each year.

A Deep Part of Being Human

A Deep Part of Being Human, by Ann Butler, was originally published in the April 16, 2015 issue of The Durango Hearld and it is shared with the author's permission.

I'm The Tax Man

Filing day is a bit away, but while you’re busy gathering all your documents, receipts, and bank records, identity thieves are scheming ways to get your tax refund and steal your identity. Here are some tips to make your tax season… less taxing. 

Reflections on the Affordable Care Act & Colorado's Seniors

By Mary Catherine Rabbitt, Esq., Colorado Legal Assistance Developer June 26, 2015