Least Restrictive Environment Fact Sheet

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The Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) in special education supports the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and begins with the idea that students with disabilities should attend the school in their neighborhood and be integrated, to the maximum extent possible, with students without disabilities.

The LRE is determined through a step-by-step process that assumes the student will attend a mainstream classroom in his/her neighborhood school. The student's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) team then looks at whether the student’s placement in the regular classroom can be achieved satisfactorily. 

This fact sheet explains:

  • What is the least restrictive environment?
  • Who decides what the least restrictive environment is?
  • Do parents help decide on least restrictive environment?
  • Are there items or services that will help a child with disabilities remain in the regular classroom?

Download the fact sheet for more information. 

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