PAIMI Advisory Council

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Disability Law Colorado is fortunate to have an active Advisory Council for the Protection & Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI) Program.  The PAIMI Advisory Council’s role is to passionately advocate for those children, adolescents and adults with a  mental illness who are most vulnerable to abuse and neglect.

The council works with our board and staff to develop annual priorities and objectives for the PAIMI Program and advise us on policies to protect the rights of individuals with mental illness in Colorado. Members also help to educate the public about our programs. 

CLICK HERE to see a current list of PAIMI Priorities.

CLICK HERE to respond to a survey that will help determine next year's PAIMI Priorities.

The PAIMI Advisory Council members are passionate and knowledgeable advocates, and we are very grateful for their service.

PAIMI Advisory Council Members (2019-2020)

  • Amy Smith, Chair
  • Tricia Fingerle                                                                                         
  • Jennifer Constantine                                                                                           
  • Mary Roaklis
  • Maria Ricchione
  • Jennifer Hill
  • Katie Shore
  • Jessica Howard
  • Tommy Young  
  • Alirio Moran
  • Dr. Dave Iverson
  • Deb Miller
  • Ed George
  • Ayo Labode