Disability Law Colorado advocated for a young man with disabilities when his request to attend a program for college students with disabilities was denied.
David's Story
David is a 20-year old man with Asperger’s Syndrome who aspires to a career as a chemical engineer. He applied to the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) for assistance to help him reach his goal. As DVR’s regular services were not applicable to this particular engineering career, he asked his counselor to support him in attending College Living Experience, a program that offers training, counseling and academic support in an integrated environment to college students with disabilities.
His request was denied, depriving David of the right to individualized services and informed choice.
Disability Law Colorado advocated for our client to attend College Living Experience as the most appropriate path to move him forward in achieving his career goal and living independently in the community. Through negotiation with a new and more flexible DVR counselor, a plan was crafted that will support David in attending college in conjunction with College Living Experience’s integrated student program.