We may be able to help you

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Disability Law Colorado provides free or low-cost legal services to people with disabilities whose civil rights have been violated.

We may be able to accept your case if it relates to housing discrimination, service animals, employment discrimination, abuse/neglect, seclusion/restraint, special education, or other areas we work in.  

Please note that Disability Law Colorado CANNOT provide direct assistance for:

  • Criminal law
  • Family law
  • Evictions
  • Assistance becoming the guardian of an individual with a disability
  • Out-of-state issues
  • Worker’s compensation
  • General medical malpractice and personal injury
  • General consumer bankruptcy issues
  • Any issue or problem not directly related to your disability
  • Assistance finding employment, housing or financial assistance
  • Assistance filling out forms and Social Security applications
  • Anything that is not the wish of the person with the disability

IF you have reviewed the cases we accept and those that we don’t, and believe that your case meets our criteria, please submit it for review.  Please be advised that by submitting your case to Disability Law Colorado, no attorney-client relationship is formed between yourself and Disability Law Colorado.  Whether we are able to assist you or not, we will make every effort to respond to your request within 5 business days.   Please also be advised that we are not equipped to handle emergency situations. 

CLICK Here For a PDF of Our Intake Form

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