Ability Law Blog

Author: Randy Chapman, Esq.
Randy Chapman has been the director of legal services at Disability Law Colorado since 1980. He played a pivotal role in the development of disability law and helped break ground in implementing special education law.
He has authored multiple publications about special education law, and overseen legal representation to more than 25,000 people with disabilities in Colorado.
Working it: Vocational Rehabilitation Services for People...
Oct 26 2007
In my previous post I briefly discussed vocational rehabilitation services for post secondary students with disabilities. In this post I’ll address what rehabilitation services are, who is eligible... Supporting Students with Disabilities After High School:...
Oct 19 2007
While in preschool, elementary and high school children with disabilities are entitled to a free appropriate public education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and... Supreme Court Denies Cert in "Frank G. v. Board of...
Oct 15 2007
As discussed in my previous post, last week the Supreme Court affirmed the Second Circuit Court of Appeals decision in Board of Education of the City of New York v Tom F. and Gilbert F. . In Tom F. Supreme Court Affirms Tuition Reimbursement for Private...
Oct 10 2007
The Supreme Court has affirmed the decision of the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in Board of Education of the City of New York v. Tom F. and Gilbert F. This case involves a family that placed ... Getting the Most Out of the Least Restrictive Environment
Oct 5 2007
Brenda tossed her parent folder on to the kitchen table and then slid into the sofa, pleased but exhausted. She had just returned from “Back to School Night” at her sons’ middle school. This was... Discipline and Disability: Determining When a Child’s...
Oct 1 2007
As a parent, Maria had a long rope but she was quickly nearing the end of it. The principal had just called and asked her to come to school and pick up her son, Jeremy, because the teacher said he... Sticks and Stones can Break Your Bones But Words can Break...
Sep 24 2007
Jeremy was in tears and Brenda's temperature had reached the boiling point. Jeremy was in 7th Grade and used a wheelchair. Everything at school had been fine until the new the new kid transferred in... New York Gets IDEA Burden of Proof Right
Sep 19 2007
In Schaeffer v. Weast the U.S. Supreme Court placed the burden of proof in special education cases on the side challenging the IEP. This meant that in most cases the burden of proof would be on... "Natural Environment" Under Part C Includes...
Sep 17 2007
Part C of the IDEA provides early intervention services for infants and toddlers with disabilities. Under Part C infants and toddlers are children from birth through age two. Opening the School Door to Section 504
Sep 14 2007
Brenda should have been excited. Her daughter Jessica would be starting kindergarten this fall. Jessica was smart as a whip and couldn’t wait to go to school. But Jessica had diabetes. The diabetes...