Disability Law Colorado se enorgullece en anunciar un nuevo programa de Protección y Defensa.
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Disability Law Colorado is proud to announce a new Protection & Advocacy program. In this new federally created program, Disability Law Colorado will partner with the Social Security Administration (SSA), to help protect the rights of beneficiaries of Social Security or Supplemental Security
Georgia joined Disability Law Colorado in June of 2019. She is originally from Vermont but has been in Colorado since June of 2018. Georgia has a bachelor’s degree from Brandeis University in Health Science, Society and Policy.
The Board of Directors and staff of Disability Law Colorado cordially invite you to our Grand Junction Open House on Thursday, September 12, 2019 from 4:30 P.M. - 6:30 P.M. at 322 North 8th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501.
Thank you to all who helped make this year's Colfax Marathon a wonderful success. Disability Law Colorado's Colfax Marathon week kicked-off at our Blue Bonnet Cafe' Happy Hour Rally on Thursday, May 16 and continued with a great group of Colfax 5K participants on Saturday, May 18 and Colfax Mara
Each year Disability Law Colorado surveys the community to identify priorities for our Protection & Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI) work. Our PAIMI Advisory Council meets six times per year to work on these identified priorities.
Elina Rodriguez recently graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a Bachelor’s in English. She also earned a certificate in Human Rights from Duke University as part of the Robertson Scholars Leadership Program.
Join Disability Law Colorado and other partners as we have a Community Conversation about ending subminimum wage practices for people with disabilities in Colorado.
We invite you to read Disability Law Colorado's just released Fall 2019 Education Report, "Are Colorado Students on a Path to Independence?" This report details findings following site visits, interviews with school staff (teachers and school administers) and direct ob