Success Stories

Preserving an Elder's Freedom
The Denver Ombudsman Program was contacted by facility staff concerned that a resident in a secure memory care unit was being coerced by his wife to sign Power...

Special Ed Teacher Stops Taping Student to Wheelchair
Disability Law Colorado received a phone call about a student with disabilities being duct taped to his wheelchair by a teacher. We investigated the allegation...

Stopping Abuse of a Boy with Mental Illness in Detention
Disability Law Colorado received a report that a 14-year-old boy with mental illness was being abused while in a Denver detention center.
Patterns of Abuse

Multiple Interventions for an Elderly Resident
Ms. Calabash first came to Disability Law Colorado over two years ago, with a complaint that she was not being adequately accommodated in her housing needs.

Grand Junction Restores Accessible Parking
When the City of Grand Junction began implementing its block-by-block civic improvement plan on Main Street, most residents were delighted, except for those...

Advocating for a Student Nurse
We were contacted by a woman who was deaf and had a dream of becoming a nurse.
Linda enrolled in college and after just one semester of classes, she was told...

Deaf Students Get Degrees After All
Two students who are deaf were pursuing degrees in special education. The college intended not to recommend them for licensure because they were deaf.

Swimming Pool Lift
A person with disabilities called Disability Law Colorado when she was unable to access the pool at a health club. After we wrote a letter, the health club...

A Man with Asperger's Pursues His Dreams
Disability Law Colorado advocated for a young man with disabilities when his request to attend a program for college students with disabilities was denied.

Protecting the Rights of an Employee with HIV
A woman and her employer had agreed that she would work no more 20 hours per week. The employer continually scheduled her for more than 20 hours per week and...