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Randy Chapman

Author: Randy Chapman, Esq.

Randy Chapman has been the director of legal services at Disability Law Colorado since 1980. He played a pivotal role in the development of disability law and helped break ground in implementing special education law.

He has authored multiple publications about special education law, and overseen legal representation to more than 25,000 people with disabilities in Colorado.

Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services (...

Aug 11 2016
The U.S. Department of Education, through OSERS, has issued a "Dear Colleague Letter" addressing the responsibilities of state education agencies (SEAs) and school districts regarding students with...

Department of Education Guidance Regarding Students with...

Aug 10 2016
Disability Law Colorado (DLC) along with the National Disability Rights network (NDRN) is pleased to see the release of a guidance package concerning the rights of students with ADHD under Section...

RTI Cannot be Used to Delay IDEA Eligibility for Preschool...

May 24 2016
The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) has issued a Memorandum to state special education directors, state preschool coordinators, and Head Start Directors clearly stating that a school...

10th Circuit Rules that District Courts Cannot Delegate the...

May 12 2016
In M.S. by J.S. v. Utah Schs. for the Deaf and Blind, 116 LRP 19237 (10th Cir. 05/10/16), the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the District Court cannot delegate the responsibility to...

District's Failure to Provide Parent with Independent...

Jan 11 2016
District's Failure to Provide Parent with Independent Educational Evaluation Criteria Violates the IDEA In Bellflower Unified School District, (115 LRP 30396) June 23, 2015, the California State...

Department of Justice finds the City of New York's...

Jan 5 2016
The US Department of Justice (DOJ) has just released the results of its investigation of the New York Public Schools for violating Title II of the ADA  (see Letter to Courtney Jackson-Chase https://...

U. S. Department of Justice Announces Consent Decree with...

Oct 30 2015
The Justice Department announced yesterday, October 29, 2015, that it filed a complaint and consent decree in the U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado against the operators of Pikes Peak...

U.S. Departments of Education and Health and Human Services...

Sep 16 2015
On September 14th, the Departments of Education and Health and Human Services jointly released a policy stating that: "....all young children with disabilities should have access to inclusive high-...

DOJ Issues Technical Assistance Regarding the ADA and...

Sep 9 2015
The Civil Rights Section of the Department of Justice has just issued a document providing technical assistance regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act and testing accommodations.    https://...

Rights of Parents with Disabilities under 504 and the ADA

Aug 11 2015
The U. S. Department of Health and Human Services and Department of Justice Provide Technical Assistance to Courts and Child Welfare Agencies Regarding the Rights of Parents with Disabilities under...
